Solar Inverter

Inverters. How To Manage Solar Power System.

Technology around us is progressing each day and coming up with new pieces of equipment and processes which are enhancing our lives with respect to efficiency level and time-saving.

The technologists and scientists have always been busy, coming up with new discoveries that left the previous ones as a historical.

With the passage of time, there is an increased increment in the production of instruments and types of equipment that hold a higher efficiency level but function on simple and compact inputs.

All in all, the generations of human have witnessed the complete change of surroundings with the passage of time and development of technology with a good blend of knowledge gained through science.

Indeed, the technologists and environmentalists have imparted a great knowledge of the significance of a healthy environment and our impacts on it which are making it an unhealthy place to breathe in and if the humans are not going to control their activities, in fact, anthropogenic activities then the only ultimate result will be the destruction of the human race.

One important aspect of this imparting of knowledge was an awareness among people to shift towards solar energy sources rather than the other non-renewable energy resources like fossil fuels or thermal energy resources.

So, the question arises; is solar energy renewable non-renewable or inexhaustible? For sure, it is renewable because of its presence in abundance quantities.

Why Do You Need One?

We have witnessed that with the passing years and development of technology, not only has the efficiency level of equipment and devices around us improved but also, they have been greatly reduced in size.

Our general perspective is that the only equipment or devices involved in the functioning of solar energy sources is the solar panel, but that is wrong because for the proper functioning of solar energy sources, many other instruments and equipment are also needed, and the inverter is one of the important ones.

The basic job of an inverter is to convert the energy formed by the solar panels using the ultraviolet radiations from the Sun into the energy form that can be used by our appliances and devices and without any doubt the functioning of appliances depends on the AC source.

So, the main job of an inverter is concluded to be the conversion of solar energy into the AC form of electricity.

But this is not all about the present times, scientists and technologists have made great progress in the field of solar energy sources.

They have instilled the property of two of the types of equipment in a single device of an inverter.

So, basically now the inverter performs two functions; one of them is the obsolete function of it to make the conversion of solar energy into an AC form of energy and the other one is to make the proper storage of that energy for later use.

Sounds strange? Well, honestly, it is not, if as an example we take the discussion of computers, we have seen that with the advancement of science, the computers have not only incremented there efficiency level, but also have been greatly reduced in size and are able to perform the functions of multiple devices, so is the case about solar inverter.

Types of Inverters

This by-functional aspect of pv inverters can be understood more effectively by studying some important types of inverters which hold the above-mentioned distinctive functions.

String inverter:

These are one of the oldest and trusted types of inverters. It holds a good efficiency level, but the shortcoming of this inverter is that it does not come with internal battery storage.

Therefore, a separate battery is to be attached with it for storage purposes.


This is an integrated type of inverter in a way that each panel is installed with a separate micro inverter that performs their function of conversion, but it also lacks the property of storage.

There are many distinguished microinverter companies you can seek for.

Battery inverter:

These types of inverters are responsible for the charging as well as discharging of the electricity or it won’t be saying wrong that they are the basic components of storage.

They are often attached along with the string inverters in order to fulfill the need for battery storage in them and is known as best off-grid inverter.

Hybrid inverters: Such inverters can be termed as the basic or fundamental aspect with respect to the tagline of inverters getting ready for the solar storage as this type of inverter come along with the battery storage and do not need any type of the separate battery along with them which ultimately makes them a bifunctional inverter of which we were talking in the above some paragraphs.

With no doubt, hybrid inverters can easily knock out the normal inverters in the fight of hybrid inverters v/s normal inverters. (1)

Indeed, there are many more different types of inverters for solar panels also, but we will not go to into the discussion of those because the purpose of the discussion is clarified in these types, which was to make the difference between the normal inverters and the bifunctional ones for the solar storage.

Final Words

All in all, if we describe the above discussion in simple words, it is that solar to AC inverters nowadays not only perform the function of converting the energy forms but also carry the functionality of storage device along with them.

It won’t be saying wrong that it is the compact form of technology in the field of solar energy sources that comes with the package of conversion and storage at the same time. 

There are many companies around the world which are working for the purpose of creating more efficient inverters that hold both functions in them so many of them are still available in the market in the form of hybrid inverters and other ones but for sure the progress towards betterment never ends.

If you have installed a solar energy source in your home, then you must search for a good company to buy an inverter that comes with the battery storage along with it so that you can not only save the space but also make better and efficient results.

So, are you ready to do some research? All you have got to do is to replace your inverter with an efficient one so that you can be included in the ones who are making the best out of technology and make the best of the solar alignment.

Up for it?

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